Jun 14, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

I see it as a delay of unavoidable realization of full servitude to empire, maybe people will start protesting as they did during WW2 and bring a people's driven power back..... it is possible, it is only a matter of people figuring it out.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Author

In country after country, here in Europe as in elsewhere, we're seeing stirrings of electoral revolt. It tends to take the form of rightwing populism, whereas some of us might prefer a traditional leftwing flavor in the form of a Sahra Wagenknecht. Be that as it may, the UK seems like the canary in the coalmine in this regard; the crisis appears further along there than elsewhere. To put in terms you will be familiar with, there are abundant quantitative changes afoot; it is only a matter of time before we will start to see qualitative ones.

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

the biggest point and tipping point will begin to arise when people begin to disengage from false friends/ pretend opposition parties that still tow the neoliberal line, when that happens, hope and actions must meet with the people.... the time will come.

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Completely agree, the problem is that we have a system which is highly effective at preempting and co-opting opposition. Sometimes a figure will sound great in opposition, but disappoint when they gain power. Meloni, about whom you probably know much more than I, is a good example. I've heard people say she is a disappointment, that she's become a NATO cheerleader. Others say she cannot stick her head above the parapet, that she has to parrot the "party line" in order not to provoke the formidable wrath of Brussels. In a recent post, Alex Krainer pointed out this:

> Giorgia Meloni likewise, has behaved and talked like Zelensky's fan girl but in real terms, Italian support for Ukraine has been something close to nothing. Recall, according to last month's report published in FT, the military hardware given to Ukraine by Italy earlier this year was not delivered in combat-ready condition. Citing an anonymous adviser to Ukraine's Defense ministry, FT reported that not a single one of the 20 self-propelled howitzers Rome provided was in usable condition.


Is Meloni's support for Ukraine a just charade? What's real opposition these days and what's fake? Really hard to know.

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