Thanks Colin for this great article. I agree with 90% of your arguments and explanations. Indeed the neoliberal apparatus is dictating ruthless changes (reforms) without presenting solutions to accompany properly the recipients. Its similar to the yellow vests movement in France : increasing fuel taxes on the middle class justified by the need to consume less fuel as therefore fight climate change. Neither the current Dutch or the French government care about the upcoming environmental crisis. They are just technocrats worried about their careers and their rich friends.

However, I feel you underestimate the current environmental crisis that is scientifically proven by most scientists, NGOs, institutions and experienced by millions of people around the world (https://unece.org/circular-economy/press/un-mobilises-action-tackle-200bn-year-waste-and-pollution-caused-global). Nitrogen pollution is a major issue for water, soils, biodiversity, humans and the climate. So I think it is urgent to tackle this major issue. Ultimately, this farmer’s revolt is, I agree with you, solely the responsibility of self-serving neo-liberal leaders who are screwing this needed green transition. We cant know for sure what is their reason. But on our side, the people, I hope we can agree that global change is needed and that Nitrogen in agriculture is part of the problem.

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Yeah, I hear what you're saying. The point I was trying to make was that yes, there is a problem, but it isn't an immediate existential threat, therefore our leaders can't claim an "environmental emergency" and thereby ram through draconian measures without first obtaining a genuine mandate to so. In other words, they haven't made their case that it is necessary, instead fall back on an authoritarian approach which should have no place in a true democracy. I do appreciate that environmental degradation in various forms is a serious challenge that we do need to address. Thanks for commenting!

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Everywhere we are seeing this. Even on RottenTomatoes, it is not uncommon to see a 90% critics rating and a 5% public rating on anything having to do with the official story about anything. It is the collapse of civilization gone global, that stage at which elites, having become so insulated in their sense of moral, ethical and intellectual superiority, that they have become oblivious to anything but the official narrative.

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Very well put. We are governed by opportunistic charlatans, rigid ideologues, and dull-minded hacks, all utterly oblivious to the chaos ensuing around them. This can't end well.

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Recently, dozens of important food and agriculturally related factories, storage and processing plants have mysteriously been burned down, destroyed, etc. I'd say it's WEF eugenics by starvation.

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Here in the West more than a few people will find themselves cold and hungry come wintertime I fear.

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Very Good Colin, it is impressive and scary what they can come up with next.

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Thanks. So much going on at once. The system is spinning out of control.

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