I find 'organized' religions to be clubs (at best); they have dues, rules, and instill in their members the idea that they are better than people in other clubs, or people not in any club. In fact, most religions actively recruit. No different than gangs, they often seek retribution for wrongs on a group basis. Much badness can be done with the cloak of a religious organization to hide behind. On it goes.

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For all the intense emotional content, the anti-semitism industry is remarkably vacant. There's no connection to principles and no lessons to be learned. It's collection of empty signifiers and glittering generalities.

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We've effectively arrived at the end point of contemporary Western liberalism: it's all performative, all moral posturing. I didn't want to use the term "Holocaust Industry" in this particular context, but thankfully Norman Finkelstein wrote the book on it.

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