Aug 7, 2022Liked by Colin Brace

He is one of PMC WEF club, that is all that matters to the plutocrats controlling and causing crisis and after crisis to harm working people, as they have done for centuries, but now with higher intensity to loot and rape countries more and more, and as I said in/since 2016 imperialism is coming home to roost, to the golden billion so time people get going beyond simple protests and re learn organizing to get this corrupted Govts to kneel..... enough is enough--- at least I am one hopeful Europe gets there way sooner than where I am.

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I suspect that the relative ease with which they could impose the Covid lockdowns made them think they could undertake more on their agenda without much resistance, but the audacious attack on the farmers is a step too far.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Colin Brace

I think people are also slowly realizing, finally(!!-- if I may add), the existing Western system has not / does not work for working people, from lockdowns, to arbitrary rules it harms working people way more than stooges/ compradors and oligarchs class..... and that is the biggest deal since lockdown, people are seeing system issues, not just easily visible issues that arise from x policies, but how they affect the whole system in terms of oppression of working people.

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