Crushing Russia is working as planned.

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The EU's nomenklatura is inflexible, as well as servile and treacherous. What a shitshow. They're leaving people with no good choices.

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There will in due time be electoral consequences for the Green (and green-oriented) parties on a national level in countries like German and NL as our economies begin to implode. But then there are our unelected mandarins, like the rabid ideologue Frans Timmermans (official title on his Twitter: Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal). These people must go the guillotine, figuratively speaking of course.

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The Duran had a good segment on the electoral consequences already becoming apparent in France and the UK: https://theduran.locals.com/post/2337660/boris-johnson-loses-conservative-heartland-macron-faces-lame-duck-presidency

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