The Corona crisis may be over, but the politics of the pandemic response have a very long tail indeed. In the Netherlands, temporary powers evoked during the emergency may shortly be enshrined in law.
Yes, it appears this has been long planned. A health crisis was conjured up by governments working for their oligarch masters to move the agenda forward. Details like a Dr speaking up about the manipulation of death data in the UK, shows how it goes to the very top. If the idea is a cull, it is working already. More control and the end of the US as the main super power? That has been planned for a while too, as witnessed by technology transfer to China via Israel.
This is a shocking story from behind the curtain of the NHS " I joined the NHS, 12 years ago because I had the desire to help those in need but the moment I realised that I was not doing this anymore, was the time for me to walk away.
If it is not a controlled depopulation plan by way of isolating and getting rid of free thinkers, the neoliberal leadership of the West sure is not doing anything to disabuse me of that.
Word is the Biden Admin is about to "pivot" on messaging, blaming stubborn excess deaths on long covid, to justify their own doubling down on jabs and all the law that made Covid Policy possible.
An intriguing paradox lies in the fact that one needs "free thinkers", or creative minds if you will, to solve tough problems; even engineers use their intuition. Do those who would think to reduce us to digital serfs truly believe have already solved every problem humanity would ever face? If so what astonishing hubris!
I too wonder what our governments and technocrats will come up with to explain the shocking spikes in excess mortality rates.
I assume they want to get rid of free, critical thinkers, merely because they hate above all to be challenged, and yes, so blinded by hubris they cannot see their glorious 4th-gen techtopia depends on nimble, critical thinking.
I suspect Western governments will continue to simply pretend excess deaths are not real, while they act to effectively criminalize talking about excess deaths in relation to the jabs. The question will be, will Western peoples continue to accept that?
Good question. I think the scandal is too big, it's gone too far. If the numbers weren't so bad... Censorship doesn't work very well in this day and age, the truth seeps out around the edges sooner rather than later. The more egregious the censorship, the more obvious it becomes. The elites are losing control, they know it, it makes them desperate, and they make mistakes. A slow-motion collapse is underway, it will take time before the dust settles.
Watching climate czar Kerry at the WEF talking about how they are saving the world, I couldn't help but think how seriously they take themselves and how few people support them.
Saw a clip of that as well. Those people are so insular. Probably has no idea that people are mocking him for jetting to Davos to present that "vitally important message". And then there is one of our royals pimping CBDCs at Davos. You can't make this stuff up! So much these days has that "fin de régime" vibe
"It seems unavoidable that those advocating the current pandemic and preparedness agenda are intentionally misleading the public in order to achieve their aims. Cost-benefit analyses are essential for any large-scale intervention, and their absence reflects either incompetence or malfeasance". David Bell.
Our media have always been hostile to cost-benefit analyses of government policies, partly because they involve numbers, which are hard, and also because those who hate our freedoms might compare compare our results to others.
Our Covid policy outcomes, however, are so awful that our media ignore them, preferring to imagine awful outcomes for others' policies.
Thus, China's Dynamic Covid Zero became ‘Covid Zero,' "a costly, draconian failure that might end up toppling Xi’. When Xi lifted Covid restrictions, he would open the gates of Hell:
* CNN, Dec. 7: Dark days ahead as China moves away from zero-Covid policy.
* Bloomberg, Dec. 9: China abandoning Covid policies. Deaths may reach 2.1 million.
* NYT, Dec. 10: Tsunami of Covid Cases Will Test China’s Hospitals.
* Japan Times, Dec. 17: China deaths through 2023.
In real life, China handled Covid well, thanks to four thousands of years of well-documented public health experience.
Well before the 12th. century, neighborhood lockdowns and hygiene, combined with herbs and exercise, were standard anti-epidemic measures. No wonder China suffered few Black Death fatalities.
Today, the Chinese live longer, healthier lives than Americans, despite spending 90% less on health. By the time Covid hit Wuhan in 2019, life expectancy was rising fast (winter sports became a half-trillion dollar industry) and, above all, the government was well prepared.
That quote from David Bell is spot-on. "Cost-benefit analysis" really is the operative term of art here. Here in NL, as in any modern society, we know how to this, we have vast ministries doing this kind of analysis for the big infrastructure projects. But for highly invasive pandemic measures? Not needed! Speculation hence abounds. This week in particular conspiracy theorists are having a field day, with a very large contingent of Dutch gov ministers (and Queen Máxima) now in Davos. Mark Rutte and D66 leader Sigrid Kaag complain about it, but it is precisely their coalition's imperious and opaque behavior that is driving it. The Dutch have a nice word for it: "regentesk"
With regard to China, I read on Twitter the other day that the country's hospitalization rate is now pre-Covid; if indeed true, this completely vindicates the leadership's strategy. I would say the Heavenly Mandate is still in very good hands! Thanks as always for commenting.
Yes, Beijing, which peaked first, is down to 13% Covid patients and falling. The next 30 day report will be interesting, since it will also contain a first attempt to calculate excess deaths.
Yes, it appears this has been long planned. A health crisis was conjured up by governments working for their oligarch masters to move the agenda forward. Details like a Dr speaking up about the manipulation of death data in the UK, shows how it goes to the very top. If the idea is a cull, it is working already. More control and the end of the US as the main super power? That has been planned for a while too, as witnessed by technology transfer to China via Israel.
This is a shocking story from behind the curtain of the NHS " I joined the NHS, 12 years ago because I had the desire to help those in need but the moment I realised that I was not doing this anymore, was the time for me to walk away.
I would be very grateful if you could help spread this truth and raise awareness of what really went on within the NHS by reposting and tagging any relevant individuals who you think may help with spreading the truth"
If it is not a controlled depopulation plan by way of isolating and getting rid of free thinkers, the neoliberal leadership of the West sure is not doing anything to disabuse me of that.
Word is the Biden Admin is about to "pivot" on messaging, blaming stubborn excess deaths on long covid, to justify their own doubling down on jabs and all the law that made Covid Policy possible.
An intriguing paradox lies in the fact that one needs "free thinkers", or creative minds if you will, to solve tough problems; even engineers use their intuition. Do those who would think to reduce us to digital serfs truly believe have already solved every problem humanity would ever face? If so what astonishing hubris!
I too wonder what our governments and technocrats will come up with to explain the shocking spikes in excess mortality rates.
I assume they want to get rid of free, critical thinkers, merely because they hate above all to be challenged, and yes, so blinded by hubris they cannot see their glorious 4th-gen techtopia depends on nimble, critical thinking.
I suspect Western governments will continue to simply pretend excess deaths are not real, while they act to effectively criminalize talking about excess deaths in relation to the jabs. The question will be, will Western peoples continue to accept that?
Good question. I think the scandal is too big, it's gone too far. If the numbers weren't so bad... Censorship doesn't work very well in this day and age, the truth seeps out around the edges sooner rather than later. The more egregious the censorship, the more obvious it becomes. The elites are losing control, they know it, it makes them desperate, and they make mistakes. A slow-motion collapse is underway, it will take time before the dust settles.
Watching climate czar Kerry at the WEF talking about how they are saving the world, I couldn't help but think how seriously they take themselves and how few people support them.
Saw a clip of that as well. Those people are so insular. Probably has no idea that people are mocking him for jetting to Davos to present that "vitally important message". And then there is one of our royals pimping CBDCs at Davos. You can't make this stuff up! So much these days has that "fin de régime" vibe
"Let them eat grass" was more honest and less insular. Versailles had nothing on disconnected compared to today's elite.
"It seems unavoidable that those advocating the current pandemic and preparedness agenda are intentionally misleading the public in order to achieve their aims. Cost-benefit analyses are essential for any large-scale intervention, and their absence reflects either incompetence or malfeasance". David Bell.
Our media have always been hostile to cost-benefit analyses of government policies, partly because they involve numbers, which are hard, and also because those who hate our freedoms might compare compare our results to others.
Our Covid policy outcomes, however, are so awful that our media ignore them, preferring to imagine awful outcomes for others' policies.
Thus, China's Dynamic Covid Zero became ‘Covid Zero,' "a costly, draconian failure that might end up toppling Xi’. When Xi lifted Covid restrictions, he would open the gates of Hell:
* CNN, Dec. 7: Dark days ahead as China moves away from zero-Covid policy.
* Bloomberg, Dec. 9: China abandoning Covid policies. Deaths may reach 2.1 million.
* NYT, Dec. 10: Tsunami of Covid Cases Will Test China’s Hospitals.
* Japan Times, Dec. 17: China deaths through 2023.
In real life, China handled Covid well, thanks to four thousands of years of well-documented public health experience.
Well before the 12th. century, neighborhood lockdowns and hygiene, combined with herbs and exercise, were standard anti-epidemic measures. No wonder China suffered few Black Death fatalities.
Today, the Chinese live longer, healthier lives than Americans, despite spending 90% less on health. By the time Covid hit Wuhan in 2019, life expectancy was rising fast (winter sports became a half-trillion dollar industry) and, above all, the government was well prepared.
That quote from David Bell is spot-on. "Cost-benefit analysis" really is the operative term of art here. Here in NL, as in any modern society, we know how to this, we have vast ministries doing this kind of analysis for the big infrastructure projects. But for highly invasive pandemic measures? Not needed! Speculation hence abounds. This week in particular conspiracy theorists are having a field day, with a very large contingent of Dutch gov ministers (and Queen Máxima) now in Davos. Mark Rutte and D66 leader Sigrid Kaag complain about it, but it is precisely their coalition's imperious and opaque behavior that is driving it. The Dutch have a nice word for it: "regentesk"
With regard to China, I read on Twitter the other day that the country's hospitalization rate is now pre-Covid; if indeed true, this completely vindicates the leadership's strategy. I would say the Heavenly Mandate is still in very good hands! Thanks as always for commenting.
Yes, Beijing, which peaked first, is down to 13% Covid patients and falling. The next 30 day report will be interesting, since it will also contain a first attempt to calculate excess deaths.