Jun 1, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

Sadly, the pattern is common all over the West, Natostans, 5 eyes and so on..... Wall st or ECB looted money in past decades for casino games, rigged and lost; and now they want to loot more leaving people unable to claim the money they saved, while pretending the system is good, sound and what have you...... but the people must pay for the idiots politicians, no matter color, stripe or else, to enable gamblers and looters to continue a dead end cycle to destroy real economy, just like coovid lockdowns, so they can play casino games, and who cares about consequences..... just as bad cycle as imperialist wars, and people are not mad yet, only the French seem to have caught onto the fraudsters.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023Author

Was thinking along similar lines that I plan to work into a follow-up post: when Macron raised the pension age from 62 to 64, the French went into the streets en masse, and are probably still there (hard to know with the news blackout). The Dutch, for whom the pension age was raised to 67 as part of the post 2008 austerity, appeare to have greeted the latest changes here with a collective yawn. Sad!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

that would be great.... Colin, I always share your substack , your research is top notch and you approach issues in a way even brainwashed ideologues grasp.....

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Thanks for the kind words -- your encouragement is most appreciated!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

They pushed us out to 67 for retirement now, in the USA (or are about to). I am 59, and see little reason to continue to contribute to what must be the worst possible investment one could make. Even the US government does not invest in the USA government, or the USA generally, as seen by the state of things. Why should I continue to 'invest' with the USA?

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Didn't know about those plans to raise the age in the US, but doesn't surprise me one bit. Hope you can figure out a way of escaping from the system. Thanks for commenting!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

'Casino' is about right to describe gambling with our pension tokens. But it's worse than mere gambling at a casino, because that involves a personal choice. This here is a syndicate 'stealing' our hard-earned cash to gamble with (for the benefit of relieving employers/pension funds from the associated risks(?), not to mention other ends further down the rabbit hole) and arrogantly saying 'trust us, we know what's best for you'. It is sad that the Dutch seem resigned to the erosion of their rights and wealth, the Pandemic Preparedness Act and this Pension Act being just the latest in a slew of ambushes. At least the French push back and put up a fight, but even here the rulers' hands are (now) globally tied.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Author

Why the Dutch trade unions went along with this is an absolute mystery. Did they not realize they were putting in peril their members' future economic security? Do the seniors now receiving pensions not likewise realize that they too would be be forced onto the new system in a few years and be given over to the tender mercies of The Market?

On another site, I posted a comment about the perplexing passivity of public here, and received the following response which I share without further comment:

> Wederom dezelfde slappe testikelloze houding, net zoals in de oorlog. Nergens in Europa zoveel meelopers als in Nederland.

> Het 'verzet' ontstond pas toen de Amerikanen de straat inreden. Daarvoor bedroeg het aantal verzetslieden, en daar zijn dus ook de verzetskrantjesverspreiders en de "Do ist der bahnhof" wijzers bij opgeteld, slechts 20.000 mensen op 9 miljoen inwoners...de rest werkte mee of keek, in het beste geval, de andere kant op.

> Het zit gewoon ingebakken in dit nare domme volk

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

Plus ca change... maybe the 'wappies' of today will, in 50 years' time, be called 'verzetstrijders'.

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I can see it already: mythical tales the dapper WEF-resistance, modern-day Geuzen who freed us from the tyranny of the Schwabinistas. Our parks will have statues of Gideon van Mijeren leading the charge for Freedom!

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