Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

Thanks for your article! The real story is where the BBB voters came from. It was a 15% swing from FVD to BBB. As the article you linked shows, FVD was the only real opposition. No other party questions the Ukraine War, the Corona narrative, or Climate Change.

So the elections were good news for Rutte's government.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Colin Brace

Thx for the article . Great read !!!

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I regard this election as a super win for common sense

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Hello Colin

just wanted to say that I have recently discovered your Substack, and really enjoying it. Thank you.

I live in Australia and married a Dutchy and in trying to explain to her that "they" were lying about all things Covid I wrote this in early 2021 that basically got my Substack writing "career" started. I happened to know the journalist that co-authored the "air lifting patients to Germany" article that did the rounds at the time. It was great propaganda.


Holland interests me for several reasons, besides the fact that I married into it. I like Dutch people and culture a lot, and I've found it both interesting and depressing to watch their trust of government be taken advantage of. I know it's the case across the globe, but Holland would have to be one of the highest "trust" societies there are and how easy it was to take advantage of that trust during Covid.


Anyway, glad to have come across your work, would love to hear more about the whole farmer/nitrogen thing and if you want to connect directly you can email me on unbekoming@outlook.com

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